Summer 2019
Tell us about yourself: I am a rising junior at Emory University, majoring in Physics and Computer Science. Originally from Germany, I have been living in the UK for the past 10 years but have always wanted to go to college in the US for the broad liberal arts education. So far it definitely has not disappointed, and I particularly enjoy taking Ancient Mediterranean History classes alongside my Science courses.
I was attracted to the Captain Planet Foundation due to my love for the outdoors and the environment. From exploring Germany’s Mountains and Forests when I was younger, to more recent hiking trips in the Norwegian fjords, I love nothing more than finding a new hiking path.
However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that this is a world in need of greater protection from human activity. My internship at the Captain Planet Foundation was an opportunity to learn more about these issues. I also saw an internship at the Captain Planet Foundation as an opportunity to apply science to have a positive impact on the environment, through education and environmental science projects.
Proudest Internship Accomplishment: As a Captain Planet Intern, I worked on the GREAT Project Pathways website, an online educational tool that takes students through the process of identifying a local environmental issue and undertaking a project to try and make a difference. I designed and added content to 5 separate pathways. I was given a lot of independence in terms of making stylistic decisions and, looking back, my web design skills have improved dramatically since starting the internship. I can’t wait for the websites to go live, as I think that they will be an incredible tool, that I wish my middle and high schools would have had access to!
Favorite outdoor activity: I am a member of Emory’s Crew Team, and I love spending my afternoons rowing at Stone Mountain Lake. I always feel that going outdoors after a long day of work and classes allows me to clear my head and relax a little, as well as having a good time with my team mates. Crew has also enabled me to explore more of the US, as I have travelled around the country for regattas and competitions. I also love to hike and enjoy exploring the mountains and canyons in North Georgia.
Goals for the future: In the future, I hope to complete a PhD in Physics and go into research, be that at a university or in the private sector. Regardless, education and being able to educate is a vital part of any academic career, so the knowledge I have gained at Captain Planet Foundation will be invaluable!