Registration for Planeteer Alliance’s 2024 Fire Summit Now Open!

The FIRE Element focuses on rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources, clean transportation, and accelerating ways to draw down fossil fuel dependence. Targeting the source of these emissions — namely fossil fuels — and doing so equitably, is the goal of the FIRE element. This FIRE Summit from July 26-28, 2024 is convening Planeteers in communities around the world to develop campaigns to accelerate our transition away from fossil fuels. Secure your spot today!

Atlanta Green Heart STEM Challenge Finalists Attend Idea Incubator

The week of June 17, 2024, seven students gathered at the Fernbank Science Center in Decatur, Georgia to attend the Green Heart STEM Challenge Idea Incubator. These students are finalists from the Green Heart STEM Challenge for Environmental Justice– a program created by the Captain Planet Foundation to support young people as they innovate and develop place-based solutions to the biggest challenges posed by climate change and environmental injustice. 

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Our Programs

Providing schools with gardens, strategies, and a program for building effective and long-lasting garden-based learning programs and healthy food access.

Online Quests with off-screen activities that challenge and guide students to make a meaningful difference for locally threatened and endangered species and ecosystems.

A global network of young people who are putting their passion and impatience for change into ACTION for the planet.

An annual event challenging young people around the world to explore and identify environmental justice issues in their communities, and to design feasible solutions to address these problems while advancing equity and justice.

Our Story

For 32 years, we’ve been committed to creating real-life manifestations of the critically-acclaimed animated series Captain Planet and the Planeteers by working collaboratively to engage and empower young people to be problem solvers for the planet.

Thirty years later, the Captain Planet Foundation has funded 3,300+ projects across all 50 states and 90 nations worldwide that have directly engaged more than 1.7 million children worldwide.

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