
Donations are the lifeblood of powerful change and an easy way to support the work of the Captain Planet Foundation. You can also check out our programs and follow us on social media for more ways to help!

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Donation Total: $100.00

What does your support provide?

Your support of Captain Planet Foundation’s programs continues to transform, inspire, and empower young people around the globe
to create a more sustainable, livable, and resilient tomorrow.


Fully funds bringing Project Learning Garden (PLG) into two (2) elementary schools, impacting outdoor learning for 1500+ students every year; OR provides ten (10) Planeteer Alliance grants!


Provides five (5) Mobile Cooking Carts for outdoor learning spaces at PLG Schools; OR funds five (5) Solutions Summit grants for Planeteer Alliance youth in five global locations.


Funds the design & implementation of ten (10) habitat restoration projects through Project Hero Quests at ten (10) schools across the country across any of the five available Quests.


Provides ten (10) pollinator gardens at PLG schools across the country; OR funds one (1) Solutions Summit grant for Planeteer Alliance youth.


Funds one (1) set of five raised beds for Project Learning Garden school; OR funds two (2) Project Hero habitat restoration projects.


Funds a Clayton County Public Schools Climate Justice: Green Heart Challenge Changemaker to implement their environmental justice project.


Sends seed & veggie starts to two (2) Atlanta area PLG schools as part of the Rejuvenation Fund grant program for the 120+ eligible schools.

Charity Ratings

Captain Planet Foundation is a top-rated charity and has earned the Platinum GuideStar Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency and the 4-star charity rating through Charity Navigator.

To learn more about how your donation will help further our mission and to access our yearly financial reports, visit Our Financials.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make a donation?

You can make a secure online donation by using the form above.

Prefer old-school? You can also send a check to: Captain Planet Foundation, 133 Luckie Street, 2nd Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Where does my donation go?

Are there other ways to help?