Which PGG Schools are you serving?
M.R Hollis, Perkerson Elementary, Sarah Smith Primary, Sarah Smith Intermediate, Wesley Academy, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Humphries Elementary, Mary M Bethune, Cliftondale, and Feldwood Elementary.
Are you involved with agriculture outside of our program?
Yes. I’m also the assistant Farm Manager at Thomasville Heights Elementary!
What brought you to gardening?
A life long love for gardening and growing things. I began working in agriculture in 2017 with Habesha’s Urban Green Jobs.
What inspired you to become a part of Project Giving Gardens?
After hearing the incredible background information about Captain Planet I applied and was working the summer of 2018.
What is your favorite thing to grow?
My favorite things to grow are berries and leafy greens!
Where else can we find you online?
My Instagram handle is 24pretty_gurl