Reading “Planting a Rainbow” and Eat Edible Flowers

Part of the "Eating a Rainbow" Collection


Students will read the book as a group and eat a variety of edible flowers

Estimated Time

45 Minutes

Setting Required

Inside or Outside


  • SKL1c. Students will group plants according to their observable features.
  • SKL2b. Students will explain the similarities and differences in plants
  • SKL2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare the similarities and differences in groups of organisms
    • b. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants can be grouped according to their features.


  • Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
  • Assorted edible flowers (guide below)


  1. Read Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert. As you read, point out to students that plants can grow from bulbs, seeds, or seedlings and recognize the seasons as they change in the text. As you read through the colored pages specifically, identify each flower and ask students to share any prior experiences with them.
  2. Explain that some flowers are edible and in small groups, give students the opportunity to explore an assortment of edible flowers with their senses of sight, smell, and touch. Allow the small groups of students to choose how to group their edible flowers by observable features (such as their color, shape, size, number of petals, etc.). When they have completed their sorting, each small group of students can explain the similarities and differences between their groups of edible flowers to the class.
  3. Taste test edible flowers of different colors.

Edible Flower Guide

Red / Pink
Rose*, Peony, Carnation*, Dahlia, Hibiscus, Chrysanthemum, Dianthus

Orange / Yellow
Squash blossom, Nasturtium, Dahlia, Marigold*,  Pansy, Viola, Dandelion, Arugula blossom

Blue / Purple
Pansy*, Chive blossom, Lilac, Lavender, Bachelor’s Button, Basil blossom, Clover

*illustrated and labeled in Planting a Rainbow