Searching for Secret Specimens

Part of the "Which Plant is Which?" Collection


Students will classify organisms into groups and relate how the determined the groups with how and why scientists use classification.

Estimated Time

45 Minutes

Setting Required

Inside and Outside


  • S5L1. Students will classify organisms into groups and relate how the determined the groups with how and why scientists use classification.
    • b. Demonstrate how plants are sorted into groups


  • 8.5×11 copy paper (1 per student)
  • Coloring supplies (enough for each student)


  1. After students have explored various observable characteristics of plants, explain to students that they are going to choose one secret plant to describe in detail – the sketch and description should be so exact that it will be easy for others to identify the secret plant in the schoolyard.
  2. After their posters are complete, instruct students to switch posters and try to find the plant that is described on each poster by it’s observable traits.
  3. Then, model for students how to research to determine the correct plant identification using resources such as TreeBook app, LeafSnap app, Cooperative Extension agencies, state forest service.
  4. Guide students in creating final drafts of their pages for each plant (including the name, sketch, and descriptor) and bind all pages together to form a school field guide.