Checking in with a Young Superhero for Earth 15 Years Later

In 2009, C. Anthony Hopkins II, also known as ‘Lil Peppi,’ received the Young Superhero for Earth Award from the Captain Planet Foundation. Now 25 years old, Peppi reflects on his music career and how he was empowered at such a young age to speak up for the earth.

Captain Planet Foundation has been awarding the Superhero for Earth award for over 20 years, recognizing people who use their skills and creativity to be effective changemakers for the planet.

Growing up in Tampa, Florida, Peppi noticed trash that polluted his local park and basketball court. He’d spend time cleaning it up but wondered what he could do to solve the issue which he assumed was impacting communities everywhere. Having a passion for rap music at a young age, Peppi’s Dad, Cardelle Anthony Hopkins, suggested he use his musical talent to bring awareness to the environmental issues he noticed around him. 

His music, posted on YouTube, quickly caught the attention of environmental organizations and rap music listeners who were interested in this new form of musical activism. His biggest song, titled, Melting Ice, calls attention to the repercussions of warming temperatures from climate change. 

“Since no one else was doing it this was perfect because not only could I talk about what I believe in through something that I love doing but also it could boost my music career because I was the only one doing this genre of rap,” shares Peppi as he reflects on his early music career.

One of Lil Peppi’s songs, titled One World, even mentions Captain Planet saying, “I keep the Earth clean with my man Captain Planet/Gaia is the Queen and she’s always outstanding/Linka, Wheeler, Kwame, MaTi and Gi/Five Planeteers plus me.” 

Peppi, despite having received this recognition 15 years ago, remembers the night he received the award like it was yesterday, “Receiving this award was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve been a part of. Being recognized for the work I have done that contributed to the wellbeing of the planet alongside the other award winners was special,” shares Peppi, “It’s funny, I was originally invited just to receive the award at the gathering, but somehow I was talked into performing while I was there… I’m glad I did it because it might be one of my favorite memories.”

Lil Peppi credits part of his success to the support and guidance of his father. His Dad, who encouraged his passions from the beginning, also managed emails, the YouTube channel, and the website. “If there were any challenges that were thrown at me I was oblivious to them. My father made sure to block all the negativity from getting to me. Which I thank him for,” says Peppi. 

Peppi is currently studying criminal justice and plans to graduate in the Summer of 2026 with his bachelor’s degree. As he’s gotten older, Peppi has taken a step back from rapping and grown interested in music production. He hopes to partner with artists in the future to help develop their own message and sound.

“There are so many ways to get your message across. Especially in the age of the advancement of technology. New apps give people opportunities to reach millions of people in the blink of an eye,” shares Peppi when asked what advice he has for other passionate young people, “Use them to your advantage. If there is a cause you’re passionate about, something you believe in, anything that you want to get to the people just do it. It’s easier now more than ever.”