Captain Planet Foundation Board
Chair Emeritus of Captain Planet Foundation and Director of Turner Foundation
Laura Turner Seydel works with organizations that are solving the biggest existential threats facing humanity.
Laura is the former Chairperson (2002-2023) and current Chair Emeritus of the Captain Planet Foundation where she has helped guide the foundation for over 22 years.
Laura serves on the board for the UN Foundation, which works as a strategic partner to help the UN mobilize people and resources for collective action, and on the board of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), which is a global security organization focused on reducing nuclear and biological threats imperiling humanity.
Laura also serves on the board of Project Drawdown, the world’s leading resource for climate solutions, and Waterkeeper Alliance, a network of more than 300 waterkeeper organizations protecting clean water in communities around the world.
Additional organizations served are League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Georgia Conservation Voters and as a Patron of Nature with the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Laura co-founded Chattahoochee Riverkeeper to help protect the drinking water of more than 5 million Georgians and also co-founded Mothers and Others for Clean Air (MOCA) to improve air quality for at-risk populations in metro Atlanta.
In the field of regenerative agriculture, Laura serves on the board of the Turner Institute of Ecoagriculture (TIE), which researches, practices and disseminates sustainable strategies for conserving ecosystems, agriculture and rural communities.
Laura serves on the advisory board for Kiss the Ground and is associate producer for the documentary “Common Ground” which promotes regeneration and healthy soil as viable solutions for wellness, water scarcity, the climate crisis and the extinction crisis.
Laura lives in Atlanta with her husband Rutherford and they have three children, John R, Vasser, Laura Elizabeth and one granddaughter Nora.