Thanks to a Captain Planet Foundation grant and the Ko’olauloa Educational Alliance Corp 40 Students at Kahuku High in Kahuku, Hawaii learned how to use computer arduinos (microcontrollers with software) and sensors. The students tied the arduinos and sensors into an aquaponics system housed in an existing greenhouse next to the school. The project included setting up a lab and using remote web cameras and sensors for transmitting data over the internet. They monitored the aquaponics system for optimal water flow, sunlight, temperature, pH, soil and fish.
This project features STEM learning activities that tie environmental science with math and technology. In the process of operating the aquaponics program by remote sensing, student learned how calculus has real-world applications. Students also learn how to make repairs using old broken computers for parts, film the aquaponics set-up for posterity, and collaborate in a project-based learning project.
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