Captain Planet Foundation Attends Plastic Earth Screening

On July 12th, representatives from Captain Planet Foundation attended the Plastic Earth Screening hosted by Emory University and Science Gallery Atlanta. This screening featured Plastic Earth (2023), a film created by Dreampost Productions, which aims to educate viewers on the dangers of plastic pollution and highlight global solutions. 

The film recruited a wide range of educators, scientists, and business owners to produce a well-rounded synopsis of the plastic pollution crisis and how it impacts people from various backgrounds. This documentary intends to be an accessible, reliable, and valuable media piece for many audiences.

“It’s so important to start these conversations surrounding not only the crisis of plastic pollution, but also how each of us have a duty and capability to affect positive change,” says Janice Overbeck, Producer and Director of Plastic Earth, “I hope that each audience member walked away from this event with a renewed sense of agency and responsibility to take action.”

Following the screening, a panel of subject matter experts engaged the audience in conversations surrounding current plastic management policies, an overview on how organizations are currently tackling these issues, and ways in which audience members could get involved. 

The panel included Janice Overbeck, Producer and Director of Plastic Earth, Eri Saikawa, Emory University Research Professor of Environmental Studies, Anisha Johnson, Emory University Student and member of Plastic Free Emory, Jillian Griffin, Outreach Manager for Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, and Lauren Stone, Americorps VISTA for Captain Planet Foundation. The panel was moderated by Lisa Thompson, tenured Emory Professor for the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing and Researcher.

Each panel member provided useful information and unique insights into the complex concepts of global plastic policy and mitigation. Throughout the evening, attendees were able to interact with individuals who represented various organizations through tabling. This allowed organizations to interact directly with everyone and give an in-depth understanding of the work they have done and continue to do for the planet. 

“The Captain Planet team loved the opportunity to interact with the audience at this event,” shares Lauren, “During our tabling sessions, we talked with so many people who are interested in Captain Planet Foundation’s youth activism platform, Planeteer Alliance. It is so encouraging to see community members who are supportive of the work youth are doing to address global climate issues.”