This summer, Captain Planet Foundation will team up with Georgia Department of Education to offer workshops for all Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs) in Georgia. These week-long preview workshops will give curriculum and instruction specialists a chance to try out science and engineering practices that promote inquiry-style learning. Teachers who attend such a workshop will expand their capacity to manage classes outdoors and engage kids in exciting, relevant citizen science and environmental stewardship projects. Educators with these skills can empower students to investigate and solve problems in their communities, while gaining a deeper understanding of science. Research shows that students who both connect with nature and become problem-solvers in project-based learning are more likely to adopt eco-friendly attitudes and behaviors when they grow up, than students who learn about the environment in a classroom setting. Opportunities to field-test a collection of Captain Planet Foundation-curated science lessons will be available this fall. For more information about how your school or district can participate in professional learning workshops and field-testing, please contact Karan Wood at