Exploring How George Washington Carver’s Life was Similar and Different

Part of the "George Washington Carver" Collection


Students will examine George Washington Carver’s life and time, and examine how it is similar or different to our lives today.

Estimated Time

15-20 Minutes

Setting Required



  • Students will examine George Washington Carver’s life and time, and examine how it is similar or different to our lives today.


In the Garden with Dr. Carver by Susan Grigsby
(Above photo from illustrator Nicole Tadgell: http://nicoletadgell.blogspot.com/2010/09/in-garden-with-dr-carver.html)


  1. Read In the Garden with Dr. Carver and look for clues of what the food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication, and recreation were like in George Washington Carver’s time.Some ideas are below:
    What did they eat?
    Pg 16-17 / Notice the foods at the picnic (sweet potato bread, foraged salad, ice cream, cake).
    What did they wear?
    Pg 1-2 / Notice the clothing of the kids and adults.
    Where did they live?
    Pg 11 / Notice home with the outhouse.
    How did they get around?
    Cover page, pg 1 / Noice mule and wagon. To see real photos of his moveable school, visit https://www.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/tuskegee/gwcwagon.htm
    How did they talk to each other?
    Pg 1-3 / Notice that they visited to share ideas
    What did they do for fun?
    Pg 3 / Notice children playing games outside
    Pg 14 / Notice wooden wheelbarrow
  2. With the class analyze how they compare to today – which are the same and which are different.