Searching for Observable Plant Characteristics

Part of the "Which Plant is Which?" Collection


Students will classify organisms into groups and relate how the determined the groups with how and why scientists use classification.

Estimated Time

45 Minutes

Setting Required



  • S5L1. Students will classify organisms into groups and relate how the determined the groups with how and why scientists use classification.
    • b. Demonstrate how plants are sorted into groups


  • Journals or 8.5×11 copy paper (1 per student)
  • Coloring supplies (enough for each student)


  1. Explain to students that in their small groups, they will be searching for plants based on structures (observable characteristics) that are often used to identify and classify organisms.
  2. Distribute plant scavenger hunt checklists that may include:
    A plant with needle-like leaves
    A plant with toothed leaves
    A plant with leaves that are hairy or velvety
    A plant with waxy leaves
    A plant with pairs of leaves
    A plant with alternating leaves
    A plant with leaves in sets of three
    A plant that is flowering
    A plant with seeds in a fruit
    A plant with seeds in a nut
  3. Establish time frame, boundaries and signal for returning before sending students out to observe the various plant structures and to sketch or photograph the plants they find that have those features.