If your organization would like to learn more about putting together a sponsorship package with one of our programs, please complete the form, below.

The Planeteer Alliance sees the next ten years as a sprint for climate action and we are running with young changemakers to demand and secure the rapid implementation of known solutions that will create a climate-friendly future for all.
You can sponsor with financial support for training programs, campaign grants, or travel scholarships for young changemakers. Or you can support by partnering with expertise, amplification, and project support. To learn more, visit PlaneteerAlliance.com.

Project Learning Garden operates in elementary schools in 26 states across the U.S. and in 32 primary schools in London, UK.
Sponsorships of PLG are available for companies, foundations, or individuals across the U.S. with a sponsorship cost of $5,000 per school site.
For larger partnerships, we ask companies for a minimum investment of 5 sites ($25,000), and we work with you to organize corporate volunteer events to help with garden installation or planting/harvest days.

Project Giving Gardens is a program that uses the existing infrastructure of our Project Learning Garden schools to produce food in the summer for local food pantries or regional food banks.
Currently, this program is only offered in the Atlanta metropolitan area and sponsorship start at $2,500 per site, per summer. We require a minimum commitment of 10 sites ($25,000).
Sponsors can select their preferred county or school district in metro-Atlanta.

Available by Quest, across the U.S., to help save endangered or threatened species and ecosystems.
Sponsorship can include:
- Funds for marketing a Quest in particular city metro, state, or region (starts at $5,000);
- Funds for project grants to support classrooms in a particular city metro or school district that are saving species (starts at $2,500);
- Funds to create a new Quest to focus students on a particular endangered or threatened species group or ecosystem (starts at $50,000).