21st Century Skills refer to skills and knowledge that have been identified as important to students’ success in school, work, life, and citizenship. Partnership for 21st Century Learning is a network of education, business, and civic leaders who developed a Framework for 21st Century Learning. Four main elements of this framework include:
- Content knowledge (in traditional subjects) + global awareness, financial literacy, civic literacy, health literacy, environmental literacy
- Learning & Innovation skills – creativity & innovation, critical thinking & problem-solving, communication & collaboration
- Information, Media, & Technology skills – Information, media, and communication technology literacy
- Life & Career skills: flexibility & adaptability, initiative & self-direction, social & cross-cultural skills, productivity & accountability, and leadership & responsibility
Captain Planet Foundation™ supports the development of 21st Century Skills by encouraging the use of real-world environmental challenges and solutions as the context for engaged and project-based learning. Our programs and curriculum require students to make conceptual linkages, to use a variety of resources to explore ideas, to analyze situations critically and creatively, to work collaboratively, to communicate in multiple mediums, and to ultimately apply their knowledge to becoming an environmentally literate global citizen.