It’s Season of Solutions time at the Planeteer Alliance! Through October 31, Planeteer leadership [ages 10-25] from around the world are crowdfunding for their Climate Solution Campaigns. Projects get an initial $50 investment from Captain Planet Foundation. When projects raise at least $200 additional dollars, CPF will MATCH those funds. You can make a huge difference by supporting these projects!
Wondering what happens when you invest in Planeteer projects like this? In 2019, CPF met a Planeteer from Lagos, Nigeria named Oluwaseyi “Seyi” Moejoh. Seyi quickly worked to become a leader in our program and in 2020, submitted for a $1,200 grant to support her campaign called “URecycle Initiative”. That program launched trainers across four of Nigeria’s states to teach school children about waste management and the plastic pollution crisis. A year later, CPF nominated Seyi to become a National Geographic Young Explorer and she was selected and received a $10,000 grant to grow her NGO; soon after she won a larger grant from the Canadian government. In the last 5 years, U-recycle Initiative Africa has deployed over 50+ projects reaching over 10,000 young people in 20+ states in Nigeria and 11 African Countries. Just last month (2023), URecycle Initiative received a $100,000 scaling grant from GEF.
Not sure which Solution Campaign to contribute to? Feeling inspired by ALL of the Planeteers who are committing to climate work in their communities? If you donate to the Fill the Bucket Fund, your contribution will support every Planeteer Campaign currently posted for Season of Solutions. This is a great way to boost the work of as many Planeteers as possible.

Tembea for Nature | Kenya
As an two-time Host of the Kenya Planeteer Summits, Ipato has learned that activating climate solutions takes help from the community. To preserve the water habitat in her pastoral community of Narok, Kenya, Ipato’s campaign has a goal of training 1,000 community members water saving techniques. The funds raised during this campaign will support the costs of multiple workshops to teach how to install drip irrigation and to purchase & plant 500 drought tolerant plants and trees.
Campaign Goal: $2,600.

Conserve Ogun River | Nigeria
These 2023 WIND Summit hosts have been taking action against the indiscriminate disposal of plastic waste in the Ogun River – Solomon and his team are bringing environmental awareness to students & community members, particularly regarding the detrimental impact of plastic pollution on aquatic species, the ecosystem, and human health. Funds raised will purchase waste bins and educational booklets for the local school and purchase supplies for multiple river clean ups.
Campaign Goal: $2,650

Mviringo – Circular Africa | Kenya
The hosts of a July 2023 Planeteer WIND Summit, Natalie & Ruth, are targeting the elimination of single-use plastics at their university. These funds will underwrite the metal straws, bamboo cutlery, and compostable juice packaging necessary to get cafeteria and food stall vendors started in their transition. Mviringo is the Swahili word for circle – and this campaign supports moving to a circular economy.
Campaign Goal: $3,626

Help Sanna Repair Deforestation | The Gambia
Sanna is a CPF Wisdom Council member and a Scout Troop leader. Deforestation is a big problem in his community – and the high cost of living and lack of employment has plunged many youths and adults into charcoal burning, which means cutting down forests severely contributing to climate change. Funds raised will buy supplies to have the Scouts plant over 250 seedlings (mangoes, oranges, Malayna trees, cashews) which will also benefit the community by producing food.
Campaign Goal: $2,825

Eradicating Single Use Plastics through Education & Policy | The Gambia
After attending the 2023 Planeteer WIND Summit in The Gambia, Muhammed and Mariama are taking action for the planet. Their goal is to minimize plastic usage by uplifting their community with theatrical education sessions that will cause behavior change around single-use plastics. Funds raised will be used for the public performances and also to buy waste bins for the local schools.
Campaign Goal: $2,025

Help Maria Victoria Keep Our Ocean Clean | Brazil
This campaign targets the disposal and elimination of single-use plastics in Maria Victoria’s community in Brazil to stop the massive amounts of waste in the ocean. As a Scout, a Planeteer, and Summit Host, Maria Victoria’s demonstrated past of activism is taking shape with this 8-month campaign to capture single-use plastics and electronic waste. Funds raised will buy supplies for monthly clean ups – particularly targeting teh clean up of climate critical mangroves (which means galoshes!)
Campaign Goal: $1,010

Clean Up Lekki’s Beaches | Nigeria
As a long-time Planeteer, Daniel is very passionate about water. Beaches in Nigeria’s most popular coastal state, Lagos, have taken a negative turn due to the lack of conservation techniques observed by visitors. Daniel’s campaign funds will allow him to make direct impact by performing multiple clean ups at two of Lekki’s most popular beaches [Lekki is a major peninsula of Lagos].
Campaign Goal: $1,000
Over the past 7 years, CPF has delivered environmental leadership and campaign design training to 5,500+ young people from 90+ nations.
This youth-designed and youth-led program offers global environmental advocates and changemakers a consistent and reliable home for solutions, trainings, resources, opportunities, and a peer community that meets in a safe environment. Planeteers learn, share ideas, collaborate, cheer each other on, and pick each other up when they falter – harkening back to the original mythology of Captain Planet & the Planeteers – “By YOUR powers combined, I am Captain Planet!”