Communications Intern Profile
Summer 2017

About Clara: I grew up in Paris, France then Moved to Durham, England to study Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Durham University. Having family in the States, I enjoy spending time here and I am fascinated by the singularity of American politics and American culture, particularly because the actions of the United States have the power to affect the world at large. My interest for issues surrounding the environment is a byproduct of having as a mother a chef who has educated me from a young age on the way in which food production is intimately linked to, and affected by climatic variations. Getting to intern at CPF has been very rewarding and a great way to see first-hand how a Foundation operates and how it tangibly makes a difference.
Proudest internship accomplishment or moment: My proudest internship moment was, without a doubt, researching and making a list of metro Atlanta schools which could benefit from Project Learning Garden as I learned more about the Captain Planet Foundation, and how many schools it had already helped, in the process.
Favorite outdoor activity and why: Since moving to school in England, I have enjoyed long walks in the English countryside.
Goals for the future: I still have one year of university left and after that, I will hopefully have the opportunity to pursue a career related to politics.