Kennedy Learning Garden

Healing Harvest created and coordinates the greenhouse, learning garden project as part of the sustainable agriculture program at Kennedy Alternative High School in Cottage Grove, Oregon. This is a well-established site with an outdoor garden area with 3,300 square feet of planting space, as well as over 1,000 square feet of fully equipped professional-quality greenhouse space. Students are involved in all aspects of planning, propagating, planting, watering, harvesting, consuming, preserving and distributing excess food.

The population at Kennedy Alternative High School is 91 students ages 14-18, virtually all of the students participate in the learning garden program, through classwork, senior independent projects, or after school and/or summer involvement.

The objectives of this project are for at – risk high school students to earn academic credit while developing hands-on practical knowledge of sustainable horticulture, to share their skills with students of all ages from other schools in the district, and to decrease hunger while improving nutrition for themselves, their families, and the larger community. Through a grant from Captain Planet Foundation, the garden will be expanded by approximately 1,600 square feet in the next two years.

For more information about this project and Healing Harvest click here, email, or call 541.915.0599.

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