Making Your Own “Eating a Rainbow” Book

Part of the "Eating a Rainbow" Collection


Students will create their own version of an “Eating a Rainbow” book based on their own experiences with foods of different colors.

Estimated Time

45 Minutes

Setting Required



  • SKL1c. Students will group plants according to their observable features.
  • SKL2b. Students will explain the similarities and differences in plants.
  • HEK1a. Students will identify healthy food choices.
  • HEK2b. Students will identify healthy foods served by the school cafeteria.


  • SKL2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare the similarities and differences in groups of organisms.
    • b. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants can be grouped according to their features.



  • Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
  • 8.5×11 copy paper (3 per student)
  • Coloring supplies (enough for each student)
  • Optional: seed catalogs or cooking magazines


  1. Following the structure of Planting a Rainbow, create a book called Eating a Rainbow(3 sheets of copy paper folded in half and stapled creates enough pages for the book)
    Pg 1 Every day, we eat a rainbow.
    Pg 2 We have some red foods
    Pg 3 And orange foods,
    Pg 4 And some yellow foods.
    Pg 5 We eat something green,
    Pg 6 And some blue foods,
    Pg 7 And some purple foods, too.
    Pg 8 And when the day is over, we know we can eat our rainbow again the next day.
  2. To gather inspiration for different colored fruits and vegetables to include on each page of the book, students can look:
    In the cafeteria line
    In the school garden
    In seed catalogs
    In cooking magazines
  3. Explain to students that the color of plants sometimes indicate the different nutrients that are in them so if we eat a variety of fruits and veggies each day, you’ll get a variety of vitamins and minerals, that will help a variety of parts of your body.
  4. Optional: Students can track what fruits and vegetables they eat to see how many different colored plants they eat in a day.