Students will harvest vegetables from the school garden (or another source) to make a salad that contains all the parts of a plant: leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits, seeds or nuts.
Estimated Time
45 MinutesSetting Required
- S1L1c. Students will identify the parts of a plant: root, stem, leaf, and flower.
- HE1a. Students will tell how healthy behaviors impact personal health and wellness.
- Plant Parts Salad, Ingredients List (1 per small group)
- The Vegetables We Eat by Gail Gibbons
- Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell
- Roots, Stems, Leaves song by Banana Slug String Band
- Roots, Stems, Leaves song Lyric Posters
- If there is a salad bar in the school cafeteria, the class can visit the salad bar to see what plant parts are there for them to eat. For example: lettuce (leaf), tomatoes (fruit), cucumber (fruit), sunflower seeds (seeds)
- As a class, students can create a list of ingredients that they would like to put in a Plant Parts Salad that will include a variety of plant parts so they can get a variety of vitamins and minerals. Their favorites of each plant part could be filled in on the Ingredients List sheet (example list for a Plant Parts Salad also included in document). The book The Vegetables We Eat by Gail Gibbons can be used a reference. Students may also explore the garden to see what plant parts they could harvest for their salad.
- If the class is able to harvest, purchase, or have donated each of their ingredients, they can work together to wash and prepare each of the plant parts to create a salad.
For information on working with kids in a (mobile) kitchen, see Cooking with Kids
- When the classroom is cleaned up from salad preparation, students can taste their salad together. Remind students that when they eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, they get a variety of vitamins and minerals to keep a variety of their body parts strong and healthy (reference Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell).
For information on composting food scraps, see Composting in a School Garden
For information on serving and tasting the salad, see Taste Testing with Kids
- At the end of class, students can sing the Roots, Stems, Leaves song but filling in what they ate for each plant part. For example:
- “And there’s a leaf inside of me, Because ________ is a leaf that I eat.”