Application Period for Nature Works Everywhere Garden Grants Opens Today!

The Nature Conservancy wants to help build, amend or revitalize school gardens while promoting environmental education through the creation of Nature Works Everywhere gardens! From September 1 through October 28 the Conservancy will be accepting applications from public schools across the country to build or maintain a Nature Works Everywhere Garden. Grants will be given in the amount of $1,000-$2,000.
A Nature Works Everywhere garden empowers students and teachers to work together to create and implement their own solutions to environmental challenges in their communities. Whether addressing issues surrounding food deserts, air quality, heat island effect, or storm water collection, youth are empowered as social innovators to model solutions in their school communities through garden design and implementation. Nature Works Everywhere gardens connect students to a global challenge – to protect the natural systems that produce our food, water, clean air and energy.
For full details on requirements, eligibility, and how to apply visit our garden grants page.