Did you know Captain Planet has a wealth of knowledge about school gardens on our wiki page? As an online resource for teachers and students, The Captain Planet Wiki has forums to encourage discussions, share knowledge and troubleshoot various school garden issues. The Garden Calendar, for example, contains all the information you need to know for when to plant and harvest items from your school garden! There are also lesson plans and other helpful hints and tools for school gardens. If you are a school administrator or garden coordinator you can join the conversation by requesting access to add photos, success stories, hints, tricks and tips to our wiki page by clicking on this link.
On our website you can apply for grants that will help you get your school gardens up and running and are associated with the Captain Planet Powers of Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and Heart. Our webpage also has pre-tests and post-tests by grade level that can be administered to students to see how much progress they’ve made using the Captain Planet outdoor garden lessons. If you don’t have a garden and are located in Cobb County, Gwinnett County or the Atlanta Public School system, you can fill out the form found here to start the application process.
Posted in Announcement