PLG Educator Certification

Exciting News: Introducing PLG Educator and School Certification!

After over a decade of the Captain Planet Foundation’s Project Learning Garden Program (PLG), we’re thrilled to present the PLG Educator and School Certifications; valuable initiatives created to strengthen our collaboration and support for your school’s garden-based learning journey.
Certification Overview: PLG Certifications explore your use of the PLG outdoor space, gaining insights into how you integrate garden-based learning. This allows us to tailor support, meeting your unique needs. Obtaining your certification(s) showcases your commitment to PLG and unlocks exclusive perks for educators and schools, such as:
- VIP Garden Workshops (Virtual and In-Person)
- Celebration Events and Volunteer Opportunities
- Networking opportunities
- Original Captain Planet PLG Swag
Here’s how you can become a Certified Project Learning Garden Educator:
- Training Completion: Attend an in-person or online PLG Teacher 101 Training. [Link to register for the online version]
- Goal Setting: Begin the year by completing the PLG Educator Certification Survey. Share your goals for the PLG garden space and materials.
- Year-End Reflection: Conclude the year by completing a survey, detailing how you utilized the PLG garden space and materials.
Here’s how you can become a Certified Project Learning Garden School:
- Training Completion: Ensure at least TWO educators in your school have completed PLG Teacher 101 Training. [Link to register]
- Goal Setting: Begin the year by completing the PLG Educator Certification Survey. Share your goals for the PLG garden space and materials.
- Year-End Reflection: Conclude the year by completing a survey, reporting on how your school utilized the PLG garden space and materials.
Join the ranks of certified educators and schools to elevate your garden-based learning experience with PLG!
PLG Educator Certification Survey
Get Certified for 2024-25 School Year
Complete this short survey to start the journey becoming a Certified PLG Educator! PLG educators that have completed an in-person or online training and this FALL 2024 Survey by August 15 will be certified for 2024-25 school year. In the spring, we’ll send out the Spring Survey that will start your path towards certification for the following school year. If you need to complete PLG Teacher 101, you can REGISTER using this link.
PLG School Certification Survey
Complete this short survey to get the ball towards PLG Certification rolling! All schools that complete this FALL 2024 Survey and have at least two teachers who have completed PLG Teacher 101 by August 15 will be certified for 2024-25 school year, and will receive a framed certificate. You will also receive on end of year survey in the spring. If you do not have at least two teachers at your school who have completed PLG Teacher 101, please encourage them to register using this link.