Grantee: Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History – Santa Cruz, CA
Project Title: Earth Stewards Project (ESP)
Grant Type: ecoSolution
I learned how to manage and motivate people. I felt pride in getting the job done.
– Isaac, a high school student
The EPS program at the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History takes high school students and immerses them in a skill-building, impactful nature-based program that provides a gateway for learning STEM subjects, environmentalism, accountability, and strong work ethic while restoring local green spaces. ESP’s outstanding students can also go on to paid internships at the museum and jobs with the museums City of Santa Cruz partners.
Overall in 2017, ESP students planted 840 native plants, removed 736 pounds of invasive species, treated 2,779 feet of trail for erosion, and installed 64 feet of fencing at Harvey West.
Continuous impact/Community engagement:
Reintroduced into their endemic ecosystems, the natives that have been planted in the Garden Learning Center will continue to thrive, erosion mitigation projects will be maintained by City of Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation staff, and the tools and materials purchased through Captain Planet Foundation will be maintained, cleaned and stored properly to ensure long life.
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