What’s New with CPF Learning Gardens?

See what 2013 CPF summer Learning Garden intern Bethaney Herrington is up to now. Click here to learn more

CPF will participate in the 7th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Austin, Texas April 15-18,2014.

CPF and Life Lab are hosting School Garden Support Organizations Unite! -Tuesday, April 15, 1:30 – 5:30 pm
A networking session for organizations and individuals that support multiple school gardens

At no other time in the school garden movement has there been so many support organizations for school garden development. Across the nation, foundations, non-profits, school districts, states and universities are working to institutionalize school gardens in their regions. The goals of our gathering are for school garden support organizations to share successful models for sustaining regional-based school garden programs and to determine a strategy for these organizations (and others not in the room) to continue networking virtually and face to face. This is a free event is hosted by the National School Garden Network Forum and The Captain Planet Foundation. Please register through the conference registration process. Please sign up through the conference registration process. Learn more about the www.nationalschoolgardennetwork.org forum.

FoodCorps, a national AmeriCorps-modeled local food army (think school gardens and revamped school lunch menus), is kicking off its fourth annual recruiting season today — and this year it’s expanding from 15 states to add Georgia and Washington, D.C. to the states served (pending funding). Food-interested leaders who want to apply to FoodCorps– which is a year-long full time public service program that is harder to get into than most elite colleges. Click here to learn more

Successful applicants to GA FoodCorps will have the opportunity to provide full-time support to Learning Garden schools in Metro Atlanta through the Captain Planet Foundation.  Apply today!

Click here to read Georgia Organics article about the program.