Growing Guide: Edible Plant Parts – Roots

chopped root plant

Preparation Because root vegetables grow out of sight under ground, it is important to make sure the soil has been prepared to allow space to grow.  Root vegetables prefer well drained loose soil. Soil should also be able to retain moisture. Check the PH of the soil to ensure it is between 6.0 and 6.8 … Read more

Growing Guide: Three Sisters

various squash

The tradition of planting corn, pole beans, and squash together is a Native American method we still use to this day. Although many Native tribes used this method of planting it was the Haudenosaunee (H-oh-DEE-no-SH-oh-nee) AKA Iroquoise that coined the term, “Three Sisters”. Three sisters planting is an easy and fun way to teach students … Read more

Growing Guide: Sunflowers


Preparation  Wait until the soil temperature reaches 55-60F. Choose a location with direct sunlight for 6 to 8 hours per day. Sunflowers thrive in slightly acidic to somewhat alkaline (pH 6.0 to 7.5) conditions. Soil should be nutrient-rich with organic matter or composted. When choosing where to plant sunflowers consider that once blossoms open, they … Read more

Growing Guide: Sugar Snap Peas

sugar snap peas

Preparation Remove all weeds and trash from the planting area. Till the soil 8 to 10 inches deep and rake it several times to break up the large dirt clods. Work the garden soil only when it is dry How To Grow Sugar Snap Peas Growing sugar snap peas is best when the temperature is … Read more

Growing Guide: Edible Flowers

bowl of edible flowers

Eating Flowers Edible flowers include any flower that isn’t poisonous or that may cause a negative reaction. People who have have hay fever, asthma, or severe pollen allergies are advised not to consume flowers. Warning: Just because a flower is edible doesn’t necessarily mean it tastes good. Plant identification is key because some flowers have … Read more

Growing Guide: Herbs

pile of herbs

Herbs are a fragrant and tasty addition to any garden. Preparation Before planting anything, be sure to choose a space that has six or more hours of sunlight a day. Most herbs prefer a soil that is loose and well drained. Break up any soil that has become compacted and get rid of large clumps. … Read more

Garden Basics: Weeds

weed in soil

Tips on Weed ControlWe can all agree that weeds are certainly a nuisance, however there are a few things that can be done to control them so that you can enjoy your intended crop. One of the best ways to control weeds is to suppress them before they can even establish. This can be done … Read more

Garden Basics: Bugs

ladybugs piling on top of each other

Controlling/preventing insect pest in the gardenEven the most experienced growers have problems with insects in the garden. Bad bugs can be a chronic detrimental problem for the garden. Below, in no such order, are tips on controlling/preventing insect pest in the garden: Identification is key. Knowing what kind of insect you are dealing with can help … Read more

Garden Basics: Watering your Garden

child watering garden

Like all living beings, garden crops need water to thrive. Too much or too little water can be detrimental to your plants. Within this guide we will explore different ways to ensure your garden is properly watered. Seedlings:Plant seeds contain 2% of water before germination so they need to be thoroughly soaked after the initial … Read more

Garden Basics: Planting Seeds

plant seed spilled onto soil

Planting seeds allow gardeners to get an early start on the planting season and test their skill at germination. Whether starting seeds indoors our outside, knowing how to connect seed with soil is essential in getting plants off to a good start. Timing: The time of year a plant flowers does not designate the time … Read more