Vitamix Recipes

Captain Planet Foundation is proud to have the Vitamix Foundation as a partner for Project Learning Garden, providing schools and youth serving centers with a Vitamix blender that can transform produce grown in the garden into tasty smoothies, soups, sauces – even ice cream! Check out this set of recipes prepared specifically for Project Learning … Read more

Growing Guide: Sweet Potatoes

bucket of potatoes

Chances are that you have probably accidentally started a sweet potato slip. Remember that forgotten potato you found at the bottom of the bowl that sprouted little leaves and roots? That potato was on its way to producing slips! Unlike most vegetables, sweet potatoes are not grown from seed. Sweet potatoes are grown from slips … Read more



Registration is no longer required for ecoSTEM Kits. Downloads for kit QuickStart Guides are below. Captain Planet Foundation advances a vision of ecoSTEM™ as an integrated approach to exploring the natural world using technology and math, in order to gain deeper understanding of science concepts and solve problems through design thinking (engineering design challenges). When real world … Read more

Phenomenon, Problem, Project-Based Learning

group in project based learning

P3BL: Phenomenon-, Problem- and Project-Based Learning Project-based learning improves educational outcomes by engaging students in extended projects that add value and relevance to learning. Students have “voice and choice” in designing and implementing projects that solve real-world problems. PBL is often confused with problem-based learning, which focuses on case studies and hypothetical situations. In recent … Read more

CPF Teaching Approaches

very young children gardening

For almost 30 years, the Captain Planet Foundation™ has supported educators with grants, resources, tools, and models to spark children’s curiosity, cultivate a love of nature, and engage students in science and engineering practices to solve real-world problems. Our programs and materials have co-evolved with education priorities over the years to ensure educators have the … Read more

 Garden Basics: Planning a Workday

children gardening

Garden Workdays can serve to not only expedite the tasks at hand but to also engage the broader school community around the schoolyard garden.  If your school has an existing school garden classroom, A workday is a great opportunity to reinvigorate your existing space and/or install your selected garden enhancements to kick off the Project … Read more

Schoolyard Garden Support Organizations

rake in the sunlight

Captain Planet Foundation’s Project Learning Garden is a proud member of a whole network of “schoolyard garden support organizations” across the United States (and around the world) that provide valuable resources and support to schools who want to maximize the value of their gardens for student learning and enrichment. Below are just some of the … Read more

Garden Basics: Summer Garden Maintenance

plants in a garden

Looking for help with garden maintenance this Summer 2020 during the COVID crisis? Sign up for Project Giving Gardens today! Summertime means time away from school, but what about the garden? It’s a great growing season but it’s also hot and depending on your weather, could be dry. How are you going to manage your … Read more

Growing Guide: Harvesting Sweet Potatoes

pile of sweet potatoes

The time to harvest your sweet potatoes is when the leaves start to yellow and start sporting purple spots. Keep in mind that the longer a crop is left in the ground, the higher the yield and vitamin content, but frost will kill tubers and your hopes for having homegrown sweet potatoes. Harvest sweet potatoes … Read more

Growing Guide: Greens

various greens

Preparation Before planting your greens, be sure to choose a location that receives full and direct sunlight. Most greens are hardy and can withstand lower temperatures: sow seeds in early spring and late summer months. Greens prefer well worked tilled soil that has a high amount of organic matter. Growers also use a slow release … Read more