Getting your school garden setup and growing with Project Learning Garden is just the beginning! There are several opportunities to extend your learning and build your community, both directly through Captain Planet Foundation and our network of partner organizations.
PLG Educator Training
Your school has Project Learning Garden but your educators need some info on how best to put the garden spaces and the materials to work? Complete the FREE PLG Teacher 101 online course.
Educator & School Certification
You’re a PLG Trained Educator — now what!? Become a CERTIFIED PLG Educator/School by completing a few surveys each year to tell us how you are using your garden, and how CPF can help!
Rejuvenation Grant
Schools that received the PLG grant six (6) or more years ago with an actively used garden can apply for a PLG Rejuvenation Grant. Each selected school will receive a one-time investment of up to $1000 to rejuvenate their garden space and equipment.
What You Get in a PLG Garden
You’ve applied and received a PLG grant–click below to see what you’ll be getting!
Other Opportunities
Join the KidsGardening Community

Our partners at KidsGardening supports the educators and caregivers bringing the life-changing benefits of gardening to kids through news about grant funding, original educational resources, inspiration, and community to get more kids learning through the garden.
Join the SGSO Network

The School Garden Support Organization (SGSO) Network is a nationwide network of school garden champions, supporting programs at all levels – from individual school gardens to regional and national programs. Membership is free and provides opportunities to learn, share, collaborate, and grow the garden-based learning movement.