Students will investigate the movement of heat energy (convection, conduction, insulation) and use their understanding of heat energy to design a solar oven and to design a method for extending the growing season in the schoolyard garden.
What is the “urban heat” island effect? How does it effect us?
How can we use our understanding of heat energy to extend our growing season?
How can we use our understanding of heat energy to design a solar oven?
Standards Addressed
S3P1. Students will investigate how heat is produced and the effects of heating and cooling, and will understand a change in temperature indicates a change in heat.
a. Categorize ways to produce heat energy such as burning, rubbing (friction), and mixing things.
b. Investigate how insulation affects heating and cooling.
c. Investigate the transfer of heat energy from the sun to various materials.
d. Use thermometers to measure the changes in temperatures of water samples over time.