We're looking forward to seeing you at the NSTA Conference in Atlanta, GA!

Our sessions will center hands-on outdoor Project-Based Learning for educators. Stop by our tables at Georgia Science Innovation Exposition Share-a-Thon! Date: Thursday, March 15, 12:30 – 1:30 PMLocation: Georgia World Congress Center, B101 Description: Engaging Students with Phenomena in Nature Stop by our table to see Karan Wood (Director of the Institute at Captain Planet Foundation), design and build … Read more

Students Create a Wild "Clam Garden"

Grantee: Downeast Institute for Applied Marine Research and Education / Beals, MaineProject Title: Let’s Find Out What is Out There – Then Manage, Restore, and Protect ItGrand Type: ecoSolution Description: The population of clams in Downeast Maine is being threated due to green crabs. Because of their lack of defense, younger clams are increasingly attacked by … Read more

Students dig in and learn STEM by tending to gardens

FOR CENTURIES, THE WORD “STEM” HAS BEEN associated with growing things. It wasn’t until the late 20th century that the word becomes a meaningful acronym that’s been driving technology, careers, and the economy. In the quest to broaden young people’s exposure to science, technology, engineering, and math, it only makes sense that the age-old “stem” would … Read more

Northside Neighbor’s photo feature of the CPF Gala

The Captain Planet Foundation recently presented its annual Benefit Gala, one of the Southeast’s largest eco-benefits, at the InterContinental Hotel in Buckhead. The foundation is based on the ‘Captain Planet and the Planeteers’ 1990s TV show that features a superhero whose mission is to protect the environment. The charitable evening recognizes people for extraordinary environmental … Read more

Lisa P. Jackson – A Real Planeteer

Environmentalism isn’t a spectator sport. You actually have to stand up and demand that we be vigilant in protecting our air and water. Lisa P. Jackson realPlaneteer Profile Lisa P. Jackson is no stranger to fighting for clean air and water. A graduate of Princeton University and the Captain Planet Foundation’s 2012 Protector of the … Read more

Growing a School Garden

By Garden Organic’s Head of Organic Horticulture Chris Collins / www.foodgrowingschools.org Check out this sample monthly blog post from our UK Project Learning Garden program partner, Garden Organic.  Late frosts Despite the fact that it feels like a late spring, especially in a school gardening calendar when time is everything, let me reassure you that this is most definitely … Read more

School Habitat Design

Grantee: Edison High School, Academy of Sustainability at Edison – Huntington Beach, CA / 2017Project Title: Edison Habitat Design ProjectGrant Type: ecoSolution Description: Edison High School students are repairing their campus’s ecosystem, one habitat design at a time! The Academy of Sustainability noticed that there were several plants that do not naturally grow in their coastal … Read more

Georgia Declares Feb. 15 2018 Plastic Pollution Awareness Day

Powerful Representatives of Two Generations Speak Up for the Future of Our Planet ATLANTA, Feb. 8, 2018 – Atlanta’s own environmental activist Hannah Testa, 15, partnered with Georgia state senators for the second consecutive year to proclaim Feb. 15 Plastic Pollution Awareness Day in Georgia. Hannah, founder of Hannah4Change (hannah4change.org), worked with Georgia State Senators … Read more

CPF's first Project Learning Garden school in Arizona

We came together with Bashas’, Dole Packaged Foods and Collier Elementary School staff and students to install Arizona’s first Project Learning Garden. We’re so excited to see the Collier Learning Garden grow! Photos from the install day: [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”35″ gal_title=”Collier Elementary School”]