Project Learning Garden at Camden Street School in Newark, NJ

Dole Packaged Foods joins ShopRite, the Greater Newark Conservancy and Captain Planet Foundation to celebrate Project Learning Garden at Camden Street School in Newark, NJPosted: May 20SOURCE Dole Packaged Foods LLC NEWARK, N.J., May 20, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Superintendent of Newark Public Schools Cami Anderson and ShopRite of Newark owner Neil Greenstein were joined … Read more

Global businesses must lead the way on climate action: Article from the Guardian

Global businesses must lead the way on climate actionPosted:  May 19By Laurent Fabius andChristiana Figueres Major business leaders will gather in Paris this week for the Business and Climate Summit. It comes six months before the Paris climate conference, COP21, the aim of which is well known: to reach a universal agreement limiting the rise in global average temperature … Read more

Captain Planet Foundation is a part of the National Social Media “March” Against GMOs

OCA Joins with Organic-Friendly Brands to Host National Social Media “March” Against GMOsPosted: May 12by Katherine Paul The #1MilNonGMO Social Media March will attempt to garner 1 million social media impressions to raise awareness about the negative impacts of GMOs FINLAND, Minn. and ATLANTA –The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) today announced that it will join the national … Read more

Envirothon in New York State

Grantee Environmental Education Foundation of Soil and Water Conservation Thanks to a Captain Planet Foundation grant, this past year the NYS Envirothon program hosted over 41 teams with over 205 students participating at the state level event. At the local level, student teams attend outdoor educational workshops in each of the 5 Envirothon categories. The Envirothon education topics include Wildlife, … Read more

Growing Green

Students receive school garden to learn the importance of gardening and the environment Grantee: Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools– New Orleans, LA Project Title: School Garden at Edgar P. Harney Academy Grant Type: ecoSolution Description: Through Rethink, students learn about and create change in schools focused on food, nutrition & lunch, the environment, building designs, student conflict & discipline, … Read more

Environmental Education in Norwich, VT

Grantee – GEDAKINA, INC Gedakina is pronounced /g’ dah keen nah/ and means, “Our world, a way of life” in the Wabanaki language. Keepers of the Earth (KOE) Connects preschool – high school age youth to the outdoors through exploring places of ecological and community significance and by participating in activities like hiking, snowshoeing and canoeing. In addition … Read more

How Nutritious is Your Food. How Does Your Food Score? – Article from CPF Chairperson Laura Turner Seydel

How Does Your Food Score?Posted: Spring 2015By Laura Turner Seydel – Southern Seasons When you look at the food ingredient labels, you’re probably checking to make sure there are no trans fats or latent sugars, but what about all those other chemicals that are impossible to pronounce? And is that really the only thing you … Read more

CPF Grantees featured in Inside Philanthropy

Captain Planet Foundation Helps Youth Tackle Environmental ChallengesPosted: April 7By Paul M.J. Suchecki – Inside Philanthropy Want to protect the environment? One promising strategy is educating upcoming generations about environmental issues. Kids are not only more likely to be ecologically attuned consumers and voters when they grow up, but can be persistent advocates for conservation when they’re … Read more