Grade Band: Elementary School
Singing a Plant Parts Song and Exploring in the Garden
Students will identify the parts of a plant: root, stem, leaf, and flower.
Tasting the Plant Parts
Students will harvest vegetables from the school garden (or another source) to make a salad that contains all the parts of a plant: leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits, seeds or nuts.
Introducing Plant Parts We Eat and Sorting Plant Parts
Students will be able to explain which vegetables come from which parts of a plant, based on the functions of different plant parts. Students will also understand that a variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors provides the widest nutritional value.
Modeling the Square Foot Garden
Students will demonstrate the need for plant spacing by going through a yoga sequence modeling plant growth.
Exploring the Effect of Seed Spacing
Students will explore, chart, and analyze the effects of seed spacing in their garden.
Dissecting Owl Pellets
Students will dissect owl pellets to collect evidence that they will use to reconstruct the owl’s food web and energy pyramid.
Reconstructing the Owl’s Food Web and Energy Pyramid
Students will describe the roles of organisms and the flow of energy within an ecosystem.
Read “Pick a Circle, Gather Squares”
Students will listen to a book about shapes, create a posters, and order shapes by amount of sides.